In the previous learning session of web based employee learning and development, the definition of learning is process of assimilating new knowledge and skills in experience or practice that will changes in behavior. Development is a continuous process of systematic advancement that more complex by virtue of learning and maturation (Collin, 2007 cited in Kavanagh, 2011). The systems model approaches of training and development consists of four steps which are identifying T&D needs; developing T&D initiatives; implementing T&D; and evaluating T&D.

Training needs analysis is key activity of the systematic approach to identify any discrepancies or gap between existing KSA and required in the present and future. Training needs may arise at three levels which are at organizational level such strategic long-term objectives; at job level like relevant KSA in specific jobs; and at personal level of competences required. The development of T&D initiatives, objectives, and methods that should be able to achieve three levels of needs identified during the first phase of TNA. T&D methods essentially fall into two broad categories which are on the job and off the job; and also the emergence of e-learning. On-the-job training usually involves observation; mentoring; coaching; job rotation; apprenticeship; and self-directed learning. Off-the-job training methods are simulation; role play; case study; business games; external course or workshop; behavior modeling; placement; and open, distance, or blended learning.

E-learning refers to any learning facilitated using electronic means and can capitalize on a variety of delivery media depending on the approach taken such as printed media; audio; video; and other combined media like hypermedia, collaborative software, or social networking technology. The e-learning methods are arranged according to the extent which they use the Internet; the degree of facilitates interaction between peer learners and instructors; and the degree which computers are networked or not. Advantages of using e-learning are self paced; interactive; and high degree of learning environment. However, it may make the learners isolated from instructors and peers. If organization wants to use e-learning to its workforce via the company intranet, then they must ensure every employee had access the intranet and had required investment in ICT. Therefore, the learning management software that is capable of today’s HRIS T&D applications range from training administration and talent management. Last but not least, the HRIS information must have presented in user-friendly manner; meaningful and appropriate; and used effectively in decision making process. 

Reference: Kavanagh, M. J. (2011). Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Application, and Future Directions. California: SAGE Publications.

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