My name is Nur Syuhada Binti Mokthar and I am from Johor Bahru. This is my second blog as a requirement for doing one of the assignment in SHR 3173 Human Resource Information System (HRIS). My date of birth on 28 April 1990 and I am 22 years old. I'm the eldest in my siblings of four. Now, I was third year student of human resource development in UTM, Skudai. I hope one day I would be a successful person to my parents and also to myself. Actually, I like this kind of assignment that must do a blog because it gives me creativity to make my blog look nice and simple. One more thing, I also like the colorful things because it gives some aspiration to doing any kinds of activities in my life. Therefore, to make our life is meaningful we need to live life, laugh lots, and love forever. This is my first blog http://addamokthar.blogspot.com/. I'm just want to share with you all. Lastly, thank you so much for give time and space to read my blog. Lets us continue with the next content of this blog. 

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